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Stars Link Ltd.

Add: No.318,Wenchang middle Rd,
0086 1595 2788 467
RFID Service

Owner Linen System manages the entire linen inventory and the lifecycle of each individual linen item from purchasing through daily use to final discard. The RFID technology works by electronically reading RFID tags attached to the linens, allowing them to be automatically identified, counted and tracked. The system also monitors linen storeroom inventory levels, and has extensive reporting capabilities with real-time information.

Linen System will enable your business to best manage the linen inventory, automatically track laundry activity, and efficiently manage linen storerooms. The system accurately records laundry activity to eliminate losses and overcharges, monitors linen usage and aging to maintain quality standards and forecast purchases. The system also has an integrated purchasing system to generate purchase orders, manage linen budgets, and purchases received.

Linen System eliminates many labor intensive manual tasks, such as separating and hand-counting linens being sent to the laundry. The system also automates record keeping, which eliminates manual errors. InvoTech’s Laundry Cart Reading Station automatically processes entire laundry carts of soiled and clean linens instantly and accurately. RFID portable handheld readers are used for efficiently managing linen storeroom inventory levels. All of this automation cuts labor costs and provides real-time information for ongoing cost saving benefits.

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